Count Things from Photos

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Best Count from Photos


4.5/5 - (89 votes)

Counting small items can be a very difficult thing for me to do, for example, it can be difficult to count some items in the workplaces where we work, for example, we can count large items i.e. small items that are small in number, but small objects that are small cannot be counted, i.e. the size of the object is small even if the number is small If we can not count it, we need better help in this matter, yes with the help of a Count Things from Photos application millions of small items have been counted in a second, the opportunity is available here.

What is the benefit of the Count from Photos app?

This is a great Count app, it will do many hours of work that we can do in a single second, and it will register me for everything that Countngs does, that is, register the number, so that the job becomes easier, for example, pay a person and tell them to count an hour How long does it take, but will count everything for free in a second.

best Counting app

If you can imagine how much better it would be to save all of our time and money while utilizing this content, it would be even better to have this app on google’s official website, we recommend the best app considering this.

Note: Nevertheless we have given below all the relevant information in our article, you can start using it after reading it clearly and we are happy to let you know that it is all the opinion of the creator.

Image SearchTest your phone
Photo CleanerFloat Browser

play store details of count thing from photo app

Official SitePlay Store
Use Of The ApplicationCountThings from Photos
Nowadays Installs1,000,000+
App Size76M
Offered ByDynamic Ventures, Inc. d/b/a CountThings
App PolicyPolicy Of App
Website Of AppVisit
Address10366 Avenida Lane Cupertino, CA, 95014
How To InstallApp Install

Manual counting takes too long and creates too many errors. Switch to automatic counting, it is fast and accurate and used in many industries.

The app uses Counting Templates to identify objects that need to be counted in an image. The Counting Template tells the app what to count. Try the app for free using the DEMO Counting Templates to see how it works.

Create an account to try the app for free with ALL the available Counting Templates. After you create an account, you will receive a one-time 7-day free trial. During the free trial, you will be able to count using ALL the available Counting Templates. After the free trial ends, you will be able to continue using the app with only the DEMO Counting Templates. Your account will NOT be automatically converted to a paying account.

To continue using the app after the one-time 7-day free trial with ALL the available Counting Templates, you will need to explicitly purchase a periodic license.

We offer daily, monthly, and yearly licenses. You can initiate the purchase from within the app or contact us to ask for an invoice, get a quote for enterprise volume licenses, or to provide a corporate purchase order.

If the count is not accurate, we will work with you to create a better Counting Template for your use case.

Our support team is available to help you with the onboarding process and with the integration into your workflow.

What’s New

We frequently update the app to make it faster and more reliable and to add more Counting Templates. If you have any suggestions or discover any issues, please contact us by using the in-app support. We’re always happy to help!

Screen ShareScreenshots Fast Finder
One Handed ModeScreen Translate
unnamed 2 1
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unnamed 6 16

how to install, and use the counting app?

  • If you want to download this count app, please check the link below.
  • this app maybe asks for some permissions, keep your mind.
  • finally, you can count any things in a second.
  • for more info, please visit the video.
Count Things from Photos

We have created this article so that it will be helpful for all the people who want to save time and money and make their work easier and save time with this application. However, not only do you enjoy this, share it with your friends and staff, and let them benefit from its speed.